Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How to Improve Your Batting Average Instantly

Here it is.  The start of little league baseball.  All the kids buzzing with anticipation of another great baseball season ahead,  all the parents eager to shag balls, help the coaches,  and warm their little league super star up before the game.

But maybe, practice after practice, you notice your little leaguer’s still having problems with his/her hitting.   Coach is working with them,  but not much seems to be changing….

Frustration builds in your player, and you wonder what else can we do – how do we work through this?

Here are a few simple facts:

          90% of hitters have poor mechanics.

         Most baseball players fail before they ever get started because most players       
         make the same mistakes.

How would you like to be the most feared and respected coach or player in your league?
Imagine starting tomorrow you could increase your batting average by hundreds of points ?
You now have the power to do that.

As Mike Martin, Head Baseball Coach for Florida State University  says “I have seen this simplistic approach become an invaluable tool in many programs”

Joe Brockoff’s hitting system will give you the time tested, battle hardening hitting strategies that will almost ensure success.  Joe Brockoff is a former minor league baseball player and Division I head baseball coach at Tulane University for over 10 years, and he has explosive information to share.  

Coaches and players of all ages will greatly benefit from learning his system.